The Princess and the Poisoned Apple(毒りんごとお姫さま) it is the third episode of Mahou Shoujo Site Anime.
The identity of the Magical Hunter who has been killing magical girls turns out to be a magical girl named Rina Shioi. Rina does it to survive the Tempest and uncovers some of the site's secrets, but falls unconscious from using her stick too many times. Aya Asagiri and Tsuyuno Yatsumura search for a healer to wake Rina up, but the new magical girl they meet is someone unexpected.[1][2]
Keisuke Naoto is sitting in his room, watching a television show where the idol group, Dog's Play appears and recounts his love for the idol Nijimi Anazawa. Aya Asagiri and Tsuyuno Yatsumura went to the hospital to see the health status of Rina Shioi but the doctor in charge tells them that Shioi will be unconscious for a long time due to the deterioration of her internal organs, which he tells them that it's the first time he saw this where a teenage girl's internal organs act like those of a 70 year old.
After discovering the condition of Shioi, both girls stay in the waiting room to organize their plans. Yatsumura begins to remember the murder of her parents but does not tell Aya; On the other hand, Aya suggests to Yatsumura to look for a Magical Girl with the ability to heal to awaken Shioi and obtain the information she has. For it, they use the Slaughter Note to look for Magical Girls, but they do not recognize any; that's what happens in a commercial on television where one of the girls in the book appears, who is an idol.
Aya and Yatsumura go to a meeting of the idol group, Dog's Play to talk to Nijimi and confirm if she really is a Magical Girl. Nijimi confirms that she is a Magical Girl, comments her joy of finding others like her and invites them to her house to get to know each other better. Already in Nijimi's apartment, she reveals her stickand the ability it has, which is to control the mind of others. Yatsumura thinks it would be useful in case Shioi wakes up to question her, but at that moment Nijimi goes into hysteria to remember the death of her friend Mikado Ikemata and draws the aspect of the murderer. Yatsumura and Aya revisit Shioi; At that moment, Sarina Shizukume listens to the voices of the two, spies them until they go to see who they were visiting. Before her appears an Administrator, who is mourning the loss of Shioi, and observing Sarina, they make her an offer.
Anime/Manga Differences[]
- In the manga, Yatsumura explains her story before she became a Magical Girl. In the anime, she just gave a brief look at her thoughts of what happened, but without giving details to Aya.
- In the manga, Soji Odano is shown, the cause of the murder of Mr. Yatsumura & Mrs. Yatsumura. His subsequent capture by Tsuyuno. In the anime, this story was omitted, showing a brief scene where he appears on his back in front of Tsuyuno.
- In the manga, a brief story is told of how Naoto became a fan of Nijimi, arriving to ask a large sum of money from some criminals, to buy products related to the Idol Nijimi. In the anime, Naoto appeared directly as a fan of Nijimi.
- In the manga during the visit of Aya and Yatsumura to the hospital to see the health status of Shioi, Sarina's sister appears, who is Saki Shizukume. In the anime this part was omitted.
- In the manga, Sarina sees the body of her hospitalized sister, but in reality it is Shioi, who copied the physical aspects of Saki with one of the skills of the sticks that she stole. In the anima, Sarina enters the room where Shioi is held, but an Administrator is also in that room. In the manga, Yatsumura shows a photo of Shioi to Nijimi and she reacts hysterically. In the anime, Nijimi tells her story while drawing the appearance of Shioi on a sheet, but Yatsumura did not show Shioi's picture.
- In the manga, Sakura Sakaki with Kayo Komura go to a concert of Nijimi, in that place Sakura meets Naoto. In the anime, Sakura makes her appearance during the concert, but is very distant from Naoto so he does not get to know.