Mahou Shoujo Site Wiki

Shota Arai (荒井 翔太, Arai Shota?) was a minor character in Mahou Shoujo Site.


Shota was a masculine boy with dirty blonde hair somewhat pointed up, brown eyes and medium toned skin.

He wore a school uniform along with few accessories, such as chain necklaces, rings, and a few other jewels around him.


Shota was seen to be a mentally ill and misguided boy who usually had a somewhat eccentric and taunting-like demeanor towards others, likely believing he was better than them. He was also shown to only liked by Sarina Shizukume, Erika Kaijima, and Ai Kawano. Because they were the only people to include him, he did whatever Sarina asked, even rape. He however did seem to take pleasure from Aya's fear, visibly laughing and not trying to hide himself drooling from the prospect of what he was about to do.


  • The name Shota means "soar, glide, fly" (翔) (sho) and "thick, big" (太) (ta).
  • Shota's surname Arai means "laid waste, rough, rude, wild" (荒) (ara) and "well, mine shaft, pit" (井) (i).


  • Judging by the color of his hair, Shota probably was Half-Japanese (by his father's side) and Half-American (by his mother's side).
    • This is because the Japanese have to have a Japanese parent and a foreign parent to be blond.
  • Shota tried to rape Aya Asagiri, a girl who was being bullied by Sarina Shizukume, but he was unsuccessful.
    • Shota was the first person (along with Erika Kaijima) to be killed by Aya's stick.
  • Shota's parents have never been seen or mentioned, but they will surely have been devastated by their son's death.
    • It is implied that the Arai spouses were not acquainted of Shota's cruel and sadistic nature.
  • In the Chapter 137, Aya created a timeline with no suffering. In this timeline, Shota was not mentally ill and never tried to rape Aya. As a result, he never died.
  • Shota's corpse after getting run over by a train differs in the anime and manga:
    • In the anime, his head and entire upper body (such as his arms) were seen intact.
    • In the manga, his head and left arm were only seen lying with Erika's decapitated head.


Characters MSS Site
Team Asagiri Aya Asagiri - Tsuyuno Yatsumura - Rina Shioi - Nijimi Anazawa
Team Kosame Kosame Amagai - Kiyoharu Suirenji - Sayuki Ringa - Asahi Takiguchi - Mikari Izumigamine
Involved with the Magical Girls Genyo Ringa - Keiji Komura - Kichiro Misumi - Kaname Asagiri - Jirou Asagiri - Makoto Hinomoto - Mrs. Ringa - Takuma - Yuki Yamai
Civilians Ai Kawano - Airi Komura - Anazawa's brother - Arareya's brother - Erika Kaijima - Gordon - Hitomiko Yonekawa - Keisuke Naoto - Matsuji Akeda - May Atsue - Melissa Maina Mitsushiro - Mr. Anazawa - Mr. Izumigamine - Sachiko Komura - Saki Shizukume - Momoko Asagiri - Mr. Yatsumura - Mrs. Amagai - Mrs. Anazawa - Mrs. Izumigamine - Mrs. Naoto - Mrs. Takiguchi - Mrs. Shioi - Mrs. Suirenji - Mrs. Yatsumura - Shota Arai - Soji Odano - Ray Atsue - Ryuto Saibara - Tatsumi Karasuma - Tsubasa Hisamatsu
Administrators Ichi - Ni - San - Shi - Go - Roku - Nana - Hachi - Kyu - Juu - Juuichi - Juuni - Juusan - Juushi - Juugo - Juuroku - Juushichi - Juuhachi
Other Magical Girls Alice Misumi - Hiroko Shimozono - Hyoka Nagatsuki - Isoko Anjou - Louise Misumi - Sarina Shizukume - Kayo Komura - Mikado Ikemata - Touko Arareya - Yu Sazanami - Yuka Sumikura
Other Mya - Steven Saeko - The King
Characters MSS Sept
Magical Girls Tsurara Takahashi - Hyoka Nagatsuki - Isoko Anjou - Reiko Maguchi - Nanoka
Civilians Akai - Kuraki - Shozuke Iwano
Administrators Ichi - Nana - Juushi - Juuroku
Characters MSS of the End
Characters Tsukune Fukumoto - Akuta Rintaro - Kaede Sayano - Rei Kurorogi