Kuraki (倉木, Kuraki?) was a minor character in Mahou Shoujo Site Sept.
Kuraki was a fair-skinned man with untidy black hair and dark-colored eyes.
He is usually seen wearing a long-sleeved sweatshirt, a white dress shirt, and black pants.
At first In chapter one of the story, Kuraki seems like a very Joyful and supportive Coach, who admired Hyoka Nagatsuki and Tsurara Takahashi's partner work, and genuinely seemed happy for them to go to nationals, and also at a first glance within the first chapter, he seems to have some concern for Tsurara for not regularly showing up to her classes, and looking more exhausted and tired.
Though behind this type of personality, Kuraki was an awful coach as he was lazy but his attitude was very volatile and harsh, to the extent that he raped, blackmailed and embarrassed Tsurara Takahashi, and manipulated her into having sex with him, along with taking photos of her naked, and was quite threatening towards Tsurara; for example, if she didnt obey him, the pictures of her would have been exposed, showing how he was able to blackmail and manipulate her for a long time.
It also appears that he was the type of male to switch lovers or in this case, "playthings" as he switched to Tsurara from Reiko Maguchi, and vice versa. According to Kuraki's roommate, He was extremely perverted and it is implied he has seen him bring Tsurara in his Apartment to take advantage of her.
- The surname Kuraki means "warehouse" (倉) (kura) and "tree, wood" (木) (ki).
- His first name was never revealed.
- Kuraki was similar to Shota Arai who tried to rape Aya Asagiri.
- The only difference is that Kuraki was successful in his rape attempt while Shota wasn't.
- Kuraki impregnated the protagonist, Tsurara Takahashi, making him her child's biological father.
- Judging by Kuraki's appearance and occupation, he must be in his early 30s at the time of his death.
- Kuraki died because his head twisted and exploded thanks to Tsurara's stick.
- The man living in the apartment next to Kuraki's apartment has witnessed how he takes Tsurara into his room for a long time and he treated Kuraki as a pervert.
- Therefore, if the police were moving to search Kuraki, it seems that the man was a witness.