Mahou Shoujo Site Wiki

Genyo Ringa (燐賀 玄庸, Ringa Genyō)?) is a character in Mahou Shoujo Site. He is the husband of Mrs. Ringa and the father of Sayuki Ringa.


Genyo is a pale-skinned middle-age man with black hair, dark-colored eyes and a scar along the right side of his face.

His clothes are presented with a tunic that covers his entire body.


Being the head of Ringa Clan, Genyo has strong leadership skills and attitude with a strong character, but he has a special love for his only daughter.

When he found out she was dead, Genyo cried silently.


As a Yakuza leader, like Mrs. Ringa and Sayuki Ringa, Genyo seems to also have been trained in the use of swords and at least shown some moderate skills as he has been seen wielding one in the past.


From the Collection of Sticks he obtained a giant Asian style paintbrush that seem to be able to create a powerful destructive "ink' that can destroy whatever it "Shaving".


Genyo has been revealed that in the past that he used his Daughter's Stick Katana, to cut something and solidify it, thereby allowing him to escape Being Absorbed by The King during the Tempest.


  • The name Genyo means "mysterious, occultness" (玄) (gen) and "commonplace, ordinary, employment" (庸) (yo).
  • Genyo's surname Ringa means "phosphorus" (燐) (rin) and "congratulations, joy" (賀) (ga).


  • Judging by Genyo's appearance, he might be in his late 40s or early 50s.
  • Genyo loved Sayuki Ringa very much that her death devastated him deeply.
  • In the Chapter 136, the kidnappers' van crashed, as a result, his daughter was never kidnapped and his wife never killed the kidnappers as she was never arrested and was avoided the destiny of becoming a magical girl to his daughter.